Discipleship, community, and service for Episcopalian 20s and 30s.
The Young Adult Network brings Episcopalians and other spiritual seekers from across New York in spiritual fellowship. Christians in the wilderness of their 20s and 30s have unique spiritual concerns. Help us build a community where we can take on that challenge together.
We offer all sorts of programming to bring you closer to God and go deeper on your faith journey — retreats, Bible studies, workshops, social opportunities, and more. Reach out any time to get involved!
Faith formation and discipleship
As Episcopalians, we know by our liturgy that we are formed and shaped by our habits. We want to connect our young adults to the tools, practices, habits, and disciplines that give us fortitude and faithfulness.
Intentional community
How do we identify and build new friendships as coastal, 21st century adults? How do we foster resilient, accountable relationships in our 20s and 30s?
Together, we want to explore the practices that build life-giving friendships and communities, with radical inclusivity at the forefront.
Service, justice, and leadership
One of the most common things we hear from our network is that our members seek a way to serve their broader community.
We want to connect our members to the opportunities and tools they need to be a healing force for God’s work in the world, especially for those at the margins.
Contact us.
There are new opportunities across New York to connect, gather, and serve our communities every week. Not an Episcopalian? No worries — we’d love for you to join us and get involved wherever you are on your faith journey.
Sign up here and we’ll make sure you stay informed of all of our new formation programming, service opportunities, retreats, and more.
Or you can just email us!